Chilean Terrier Pros and Cons as Pets

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You will find people fond of keeping dogs in every third house. Such people always need clarification about the dog breed and which dog breed they should keep.

Today, many such dog breeds are available, which are very popular worldwide. One of these is the Chilean Terrier. This blog will mention Chilean Terrier Pros and Cons as pets.

Pros of Chilean Terrier 

Often, people want to make Chilean Terrier as their pet dog, so in such a situation, you must have all the information about Chilean Terrier dog breeds. It has some advantages and disadvantages, so let’s start with its advantages below. You can look at some of the benefits of Chilean terriers through the complete bulletin points.

Small In Size

The Chilean Terrier breed is a medium to small-sized dog, making them suitable for any apartment or small home living situation. So Chilean Terrier breed dogs gain an advantage in terms of size.


Often, some pet owners face adaptability issues regarding the dog they are keeping, such as their particular dog breed needing to learn how to adapt to their surroundings.

So, in such a situation, they should have a dog that can adapt to both the lifestyle and the surroundings. Such quality is found in the breed of Chilean Terrier dogs, and they can adapt to any environment and lifestyle.


Pet dogs are often praised for intelligence; if your pet shines, you should understand that you have a perfect dog. Regarding this context, the Chilean Terrier dogs justify themselves as excellent in intelligence, which is easy to train. It makes learning relatively easy as these dogs take little time and can excel in obedience training.

Affectionate Nature 

The affection and loyalty of dogs are significant to their owners. Hence, Chilean Terrier breed dogs possess a loving nature and show strong bonds with their owner and family, spending time with them as if they have a strong relationship.

Low Maintenance

Often, owners are worried about its maintenance before adopting a dog of any breed, so we would like to tell you that the Chilean Terrier is a breed that requires minimum care and will not be a burden on your pocket. To keep them healthy, they need minimum buy regular maintenance like brushing, bathing, and normal feeding will do the trick.

Long Lifespan

Before adopting a dog of any breed, the owner has to face a common query: the age of the dog of a particular breed. Chilean Terrier breeds support a long life; generally, dogs of these breeds live up to 16 years. They can survive well if you properly care for them and give them nutrition.

Cons of Chilean Terrier

With some cool advantages, this dog breed comes with some cons too. Which might become quite challenging for the new owners; here are some points below :

Need Regular Exercise

Even though the maintenance of the Chilean Terrier is light on your pocket, due to their high energy, they need regular exercise and mental stimulation, which, if not provided, can bring changes in their behavior.

Digging Tendency

Chilean Terrier breeds often have a natural tendency to dig, making your garden chaotic. Suppose you want to get rid of the nature of the Chilean Terrier. In that case, you will have to prepare a dedicated yard for them so that they can carry out their digging behavior and ensure your area does not get infested. Also, their regular activity of digging may continue. Such behavior can be controlled with a bit of prevention.

Stubborn Nature

No matter how intelligent the Chilean Terrier is, their stubborn nature remains with them; they can become stubborn at any time, so you may have to work harder for the training and practice given to them, which can be the reason for your consistency and patience. 

Health Concerns

Like any other dog breed, the Chilean Terrier can also suffer from health problems such as dysplasia, patellar luxation, or even eye problems. The risk of these disorders remains at the top of the Chilean Terrier, but regular medical checkups and a responsible fertility program can help reduce all of these risks.

Noisy Behavior

One of the most significant disadvantages of owning a Chilean Terrier is their noisy nature; some can be vocal and overly indulgent, especially when uninitiated. You can eliminate this behavior by continuing to attract their attention, but temporarily.

Not Suitable For Everyone

Chilean Terriers are not everyone’s cradle because even if you provide them with good nutrition, good feeding, and reasonable maintenance, they still need an active owner who can provide adequate exercise, stimulation, and consistent training. Chilean Terrier is not for you if you are looking for a laid-back dog.

Also Read: Lifespan Of Chilean Terrier Dog


You have learned about the Chilean Terrier’s dog breed in this blog. We have listed The Pros and Cons You May Face If You Are Cradling A Dog Of This Breed. 

We hope that after reading this blog, you have found the solution to your query and will not have to worry about this topic further. Please stay with us to read such valuable pet-related blogs.

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